Newsletter Writing

MassBike Newsletters

As Communications Coordinator with the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition, I create 1-2 newsletters per month and weekly newsletters during Bay State Bike Month. All newsletters are optimized to push readers back to the MassBike website, through strategic links and action buttons.

MassBike Newsletter Example

During Bay State Bike Month 2021, I crafted 5 newsletters with a 25% average open rate and a 2.6% click rate. Each newsletter included an “Upcoming Events” section featuring bike-friendly events happening statewide.

Bay State Bike Month Newsletter Example

Heartland Bike Share Newsletters

As Marketing & Memberships Manager for Heartland Bike Share, I created email newsletters for the Heartland B-cycle and BikeLNK systems with MailChimp, here are two examples:


Freelance Writing


MassBike Blogs